'Last human' writeup CyberTalents DF CTF

writeup for last human challange in Digital Forensics CTF by CyberTalents

Posted by 0xHasanM on November 29, 2020 · 3 mins read


This Stream is so weird, looking something hidden here!!
Diffculity: Hard


Challange is a wave file with high pitched noise, After examining file with usual tools (binwalk, exiftool, strings,..etc) we found nothing so we should dig deeper.

  • Step 1: Analyze frames of wav file
    1. Using the following code we could get frame values
               import wave, struct #import wave and struct library
               wavefile = wave.open('data.wav', 'r') #read wave file
               tmp=[] # create empty list with name tmp
               length = wavefile.getnframes() # get number of frames in wave file
               print(length)  # print number of frames in wave file
               for i in range(0, length): # create a loop to iterate through frames
                  wavedata = wavefile.readframes(1) # read one frame each loop
                  data = struct.unpack("<h", wavedata) # unpack data stored in wavedata buffer as integer
                  print(data[0]) #print frame value
  1. Quick look at values the negative signals are all equal to -1000 while positive signals differs from each other but if subtract 1000 from the positive value it will give us values from 0 to 255 so it may be characters frames-values
  2. Optimize the code to remove negative values -> subtract 1000 from positive values -> convert values to character -> redirect output to file. Remeber to use python2 for more details search for the difference between chr() in python2 and python3
               from __future__ import print_function
               import wave, struct
               wavefile = wave.open('data.wav', 'r')
               length = wavefile.getnframes()
               for i in range(0, length):
                  wavedata = wavefile.readframes(1)
                  data = struct.unpack("<h", wavedata)
                  if data[0] > 0: #check if all values are positive
                     print(chr(data[0]-1000), end="") #subtract 1000 from positive values and convert to chr, and remove new line


  • Step 2: Analyze output from code
    start with running strings utility but returns nothing usefull, after looking at file it’s icon turned into compressed file icon, running file utility on the file returns it is a gz compressed file, uncompress it give us 5 different packets f100, f200, f300, f400, f500 Snow-Cracker Usage
  • Step 3: Analyzing packets
    Looking at packets it contains just dns quieries with some base64 string each packet, so all we have to is to extract this strings decode it and get the output. Using this command tshark -r >filename< -T fields -e dns.qry.name | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' wireshark Extracting-base64
  • Step 4: Decoding outputs
    Using base64 utility base64 -d filename we decoded the output and give us another wave file md5sum
  • Step 5: Getting flag
    Going through usual process again of analysing wave file we found the flag using deepsoound tool inside an image called flag.jpg deepsound flag